Qingbi, Liao;Fonseca, Nelson J.g.;Camacho, Miguel;Ángel Palomares-Caballero;Mesa, Francisco;Quevedo-teruel, Oscar:
Ray-Tracing Model for Generalized Geodesic Lens Multiple Beam Antennas. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2023. Vol: 71. Núm: 3. Pág. 2640-2651. 10.1109/tap.2022.3233643.
Gong, Tao;Liberal, Iñigo;Spreng, Benjamin;Camacho, Miguel;Engheta, Nader;Munday, Jeremy N.:
Effect of Epsilon-Near-Zero Modes on the Casimir Interaction between Ultrathin Films. Physical Review Letters. 2023. Vol: 130. Núm: 196901. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.196901.
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Córcoles, Juan;Medina-Mena, Francisco:
Leveraging Symmetry in the Analysis of Mirror-Symmetric Multilayered Periodic Structures with Application to LP-to-CP Converter Design. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2023. Vol: En prensa. 10.1109/tap.2023.3285364.
Camacho, Miguel;Gong, Tao;Spreng, Benjamin;Liberal, Iñigo;Engheta, Nader;Munday, Jeremy N.:
Engineering Casimir interactions with epsilon-near-zero materials. Physical Review A. 2022. Vol: 105. Núm: 6. 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.L061501.
Fallah, Asma;Camacho, Miguel;Engheta, Nader:
Electron-sheet metasurfaces for reconfigurable beam patterns. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2022. Vol: 21. Núm: 11. Pág. 1-5. 10.1109/lawp.2022.3198576.
Gong, Tao;Liberal, Iñigo;Camacho, Miguel;Spreng, Benjamin;Engheta, Nader;Munday, Jeremy N.:
Radiative energy band gap of nanostructures coupled with quantum emitters around the epsilon-near-zero frequency. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2022. Vol: 106. Núm: 8. 10.1103/physrevb.106.085422.
Gong, Tao;Spreng, Benjamin;Camacho, Miguel;Liberal, Iñigo;Engheta, Nader;Munday, Jeremy N.:
Electrically switchable Casimir forces using transparent conductive oxides. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2022. Vol: 106. Núm: 6. 10.1103/physreva.106.062824.
Camacho, Miguel;Fernández-Prieto, Armando;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco:
Disorder Effects in One-Dimensionally Periodic Extraordinary Transmission Structures. Electronics. 2022. Vol: 11. Núm: 18. 10.3390/electronics11182830.
Hamilton, J. K.;Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Hooper, I. R.;Lawrence, C. R. :
Effective-periodicity effects in Fibonacci slot arrays. Physical Review B: Covering Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol: 104. Núm: 24. Pág. L241412-1-L241412-6. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241412.
Camacho, Miguel;Edwards, Brian;Engheta, Nader:
A single inverse-designed photonic structure that performs parallel computing. Nature Communications. 2021. Vol: 12. Núm: 1466. Pág. 1-7. 10.1038/s41467-021-21664-9.
Camacho, Miguel;Losada-Torres, Vicente;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco:
On the excitacion of magnetic current surface waves in truncated periodic arrays of slots under extraordinary transmission conditions. IEEE Access. 2020. Vol: 8. Pág. 158107-158114. 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3019757.
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Sambles, J. Roy:
Extraordinary transmission and radiation from finite by infinite arrays of slots. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2020. Vol: 68. Núm: 1. Pág. 581-586. 10.1109/TAP.2019.2935819.
Freer, Suzanna;Camacho, Miguel;Kuznetsov, Sergei A. ;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Beruete, Miguel;Navarro-cía, Miguel:
Revealing the underlying mechanisms behind TE extraordinary THz transmission. Photonics Research. 2020. Vol: 8. Núm: 4. Pág. 430-439. 10.1364/PRJ.8.000430.
Camacho, Miguel;Nekovic, Ajla;Freer, Suzanna;Penchev, Pavel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Dimov, Stefan;Navarro-cía, Miguel:
Symmetry and finite-size effects in quasi-optical extraordinarily THz transmitting arrays of tilted slots. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2020. Vol: 68. Núm: 8. Pág. 6109-6117. 10.1109/TAP.2020.2985770.
Camacho, Miguel;Capolino, Filippo;Albani, Matteo:
Asymmetric surface wave excitation through metasurface-edge diffraction. Optics Letters. 2020. Vol: 45. Núm: 19. Pág. 5420-5423. 10.1364/OL.398342.
Camacho, Miguel;Edwards, Brian;Engheta, Nader:
Achieving asymmetry and trapping in diffusion with spatiotemporal metamaterials. Nature Communications. 2020. Vol: 11. Núm: 3733. 10.1038/s41467-020-17550-5.
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco:
NUFFT for the efficient spectral domain MoM analysis of a wide variety of multilayered periodic structures. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2019. Vol: 67. Núm: 10. Pág. 6551-6563. 10.1109/TAP.2019.2920361.
Camacho, Miguel;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Capolino, Filippo;Albani, Matteo:
Analysis of the diffraction by the truncation of a planar array of dipoles using the Wiener-Hopf approach. Wave Motion. 2019. Vol: 89. Pág. 28-42. 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2019.03.004.
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Kuznetsov, Sergei A.;Beruete, Miguel;Navarro-cía, Miguel:
Far-field and Near-field Physics of Extraordinary THz Transmitting Hole-Array Antennas. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2019. Vol: 67. Núm: 9. Pág. 6029-6038. 10.1109/TAP.2019.2920262.
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Sambles, J. Roy:
Theoretical and experimental exploration of finite sample size effects on the propagation of surface waves supported by slot arrays. Physical Review B: Covering Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2017. Vol: 95. Pág. 245425-1-245425-7. 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.245425.
Camacho, Miguel;Mitchell-thomas, Rhiannon C.;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Sambles, J. Roy;Quevedo-teruel, Oscar:
Mimicking glide-symmetry for coupled slot metasurfaces. Applied Physics Letters. 2017. Vol: 111. Núm: 12. 10.1063/1.5000222.
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Sambles, J. Roy:
On the extraordinary optical transmission in parallel plate waveguides for non-TEM modes. Optics Express. 2017. Vol: 25. Núm: 20. Pág. 24670-24677. 10.1364/OE.25.024670.
Camacho, Miguel;Mitchell-thomas, Rhiannon C.;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Sambles, J. Roy;Quevedo-teruel, Oscar:
Designer surface plasmon dispersion on a one-dimensional periodic slot metasurface with glide symmetry. Optics Letters. 2017. Vol: 42. Núm: 17. Pág. 3375-3378. 10.1364/OL.42.003375.
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco:
Computationally efficient analysis of extraordinary optical transmission through infinite and truncated subwavelength hole arrays. Physical Review E. 2016. Vol: 93. Núm: 6. 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.063312.
Camacho, Miguel;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Sambles, J. Roy:
Resonantly induced transparency for metals with low angular dependence. Applied Physics Letters. 2016. Vol: 109. Núm: 24. 10.1063/1.4971983.