Profesor Permanente Laboral - Mod. PCD


Correo electrónico


Grupo de investigación


Asistencia a congresos

Camacho, Miguel;Edwards, Brian;Engheta, Nader:
Metamateriales para computación analógica paralelizada. Ponencia en Congreso. XXXVI Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio . Vigo. 2021
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco:
Fast and accurate analysis of multilayered periodic structures used in the design of reflectarray and metasurface antennas. Comunicación en congreso. 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. COPENHAGUEN (DINAMARCA). 2020
Camacho, Miguel;Edwards, Brian;Engheta, Nader:
Experimental Demonstration of Non-Symmetric Diffusion via Spatiotemporal Metamaterials. Ponencia en Congreso. Conference of Laser and Electro-Optics. - Washington DC, Estados Unidos. 2020
Camacho, Miguel;Edwards, Brian;Engheta, Nader:
Simultaneous Analog Computing Using Multi-Frequency Inverse-Designed Metamaterial Platforms. Ponencia en Congreso. Conference of Laser and Electro-Optics. - Washington DC, Estados Unidos. 2020
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Kuznetsov, Sergei A;Beruete, Miguel;Navarro-cía, Miguel:
Understanding the Leaky-Wave Mechanism on Truncated Subwavelength Hole Arrays with Method of Moments and Quasi-Optical Measurements. Ponencia en Congreso. 41st PhotonIcs and Electromagnetics Research Symposium. Roma, Italia. 2019
Camacho, Miguel;Capolino, Filippo;Albani, Matteo:
Wiener-Hopf analysis of the scattering by a two dimensional periodic semi-infinite array of dipoles. Ponencia en Congreso. URSI 2019 Electromagnetic Theory Symposium. San Diego. 2019
Camacho, Miguel;Capolino, Filippo;Albani, Matteo:
UTD Diffraction Coefficient for Metasurface Edge Diffraction. Ponencia en Congreso. URSI 2019 Electromagnetic Theory Symposium. San Diego. 2019
Camacho, Miguel;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Capolino, Filippo;Albani, Matteo:
Wiener-Hopf analysis of the scattering by a two dimensional periodic semi-infinite array of dipoles. Ponencia en Congreso. XII Iberian Meeting on Computational Electromagnetics. Coimbra, Portugal. 2018
Camacho, Miguel:
Efficient analysis of the electromagnetic scattering by non-periodic hole arrays. Ponencia en Congreso. Exeter Microwave Metamaterials Meeting. Exeter, Reino Unido. 2017
Camacho, Miguel;Mitchell-thomas, Rhiannon C.;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Sambles, J. Roy;Quevedo-teruel, Oscar:
Metamaterials 2017. Ponencia en Congreso. Metamaterials 2017. - Marsella, Francia. 2017
Camacho, Miguel;Hibbins, Alastair P. ;Sambles, J. Roy;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco:
Dispersion of Surface Waves Supported by Truncated Metasurfaces. Ponencia en Congreso. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting. San Diego, California, Estados Unidos. 2017
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco:
Comparative Study Between Resonant Transmission and Extraordinary Transmission in Truncated Periodic Arrays of Slots. Ponencia en Congreso. IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave and THz Applications. Pabellón de México, Paseo de las Delicias, s/n., Universidad de Sevilla. 41013-Sevilla.. 2017
Camacho, Miguel:
Study of the truncation effects on metasurfaces. Ponencia en Congreso. Rank Prize Symposium on Electromagnetic Metasurfaces. GRASMERE, CUMBRIA; REINO UNIDO. 2017
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco:
Application of the Method of Moments to the analysis of extraordinary transmission through finite periodic arrays of slots in conducting screens. Ponencia en Congreso. XI IBERIAN MEETING ON COMPUTATIONAL ELECTROMAGNETICS. Las Caldas, Asturias (Spain). 2016
Camacho, Miguel;Hibbins, Alastair P;Sambles, J. Roy:
Resonant transmission through thin metal layers using two dimensional arrays. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Smart and Multifunctional Materials, Structures and Systems. Perugia, Italia. 2016

Artículos publicados

Qingbi, Liao;Fonseca, Nelson J.g.;Camacho, Miguel;Ángel Palomares-Caballero;Mesa, Francisco;Quevedo-teruel, Oscar:
Ray-Tracing Model for Generalized Geodesic Lens Multiple Beam Antennas. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2023. Vol: 71. Núm: 3. Pág. 2640-2651. 10.1109/tap.2022.3233643.
Gong, Tao;Liberal, Iñigo;Spreng, Benjamin;Camacho, Miguel;Engheta, Nader;Munday, Jeremy N.:
Effect of Epsilon-Near-Zero Modes on the Casimir Interaction between Ultrathin Films. Physical Review Letters. 2023. Vol: 130. Núm: 196901. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.196901.
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Córcoles, Juan;Medina-Mena, Francisco:
Leveraging Symmetry in the Analysis of Mirror-Symmetric Multilayered Periodic Structures with Application to LP-to-CP Converter Design. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2023. Vol: En prensa. 10.1109/tap.2023.3285364.
Camacho, Miguel;Gong, Tao;Spreng, Benjamin;Liberal, Iñigo;Engheta, Nader;Munday, Jeremy N.:
Engineering Casimir interactions with epsilon-near-zero materials. Physical Review A. 2022. Vol: 105. Núm: 6. 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.L061501.
Fallah, Asma;Camacho, Miguel;Engheta, Nader:
Electron-sheet metasurfaces for reconfigurable beam patterns. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2022. Vol: 21. Núm: 11. Pág. 1-5. 10.1109/lawp.2022.3198576.
Gong, Tao;Liberal, Iñigo;Camacho, Miguel;Spreng, Benjamin;Engheta, Nader;Munday, Jeremy N.:
Radiative energy band gap of nanostructures coupled with quantum emitters around the epsilon-near-zero frequency. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2022. Vol: 106. Núm: 8. 10.1103/physrevb.106.085422.
Gong, Tao;Spreng, Benjamin;Camacho, Miguel;Liberal, Iñigo;Engheta, Nader;Munday, Jeremy N.:
Electrically switchable Casimir forces using transparent conductive oxides. Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2022. Vol: 106. Núm: 6. 10.1103/physreva.106.062824.
Camacho, Miguel;Fernández-Prieto, Armando;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco:
Disorder Effects in One-Dimensionally Periodic Extraordinary Transmission Structures. Electronics. 2022. Vol: 11. Núm: 18. 10.3390/electronics11182830.
Hamilton, J. K.;Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Hooper, I. R.;Lawrence, C. R. :
Effective-periodicity effects in Fibonacci slot arrays. Physical Review B: Covering Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol: 104. Núm: 24. Pág. L241412-1-L241412-6. 10.1103/PhysRevB.104.L241412.
Camacho, Miguel;Edwards, Brian;Engheta, Nader:
A single inverse-designed photonic structure that performs parallel computing. Nature Communications. 2021. Vol: 12. Núm: 1466. Pág. 1-7. 10.1038/s41467-021-21664-9.
Camacho, Miguel;Losada-Torres, Vicente;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco:
On the excitacion of magnetic current surface waves in truncated periodic arrays of slots under extraordinary transmission conditions. IEEE Access. 2020. Vol: 8. Pág. 158107-158114. 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3019757.
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Sambles, J. Roy:
Extraordinary transmission and radiation from finite by infinite arrays of slots. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2020. Vol: 68. Núm: 1. Pág. 581-586. 10.1109/TAP.2019.2935819.
Freer, Suzanna;Camacho, Miguel;Kuznetsov, Sergei A. ;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Beruete, Miguel;Navarro-cía, Miguel:
Revealing the underlying mechanisms behind TE extraordinary THz transmission. Photonics Research. 2020. Vol: 8. Núm: 4. Pág. 430-439. 10.1364/PRJ.8.000430.
Camacho, Miguel;Nekovic, Ajla;Freer, Suzanna;Penchev, Pavel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Dimov, Stefan;Navarro-cía, Miguel:
Symmetry and finite-size effects in quasi-optical extraordinarily THz transmitting arrays of tilted slots. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2020. Vol: 68. Núm: 8. Pág. 6109-6117. 10.1109/TAP.2020.2985770.
Camacho, Miguel;Capolino, Filippo;Albani, Matteo:
Asymmetric surface wave excitation through metasurface-edge diffraction. Optics Letters. 2020. Vol: 45. Núm: 19. Pág. 5420-5423. 10.1364/OL.398342.
Camacho, Miguel;Edwards, Brian;Engheta, Nader:
Achieving asymmetry and trapping in diffusion with spatiotemporal metamaterials. Nature Communications. 2020. Vol: 11. Núm: 3733. 10.1038/s41467-020-17550-5.
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco:
NUFFT for the efficient spectral domain MoM analysis of a wide variety of multilayered periodic structures. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2019. Vol: 67. Núm: 10. Pág. 6551-6563. 10.1109/TAP.2019.2920361.
Camacho, Miguel;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Capolino, Filippo;Albani, Matteo:
Analysis of the diffraction by the truncation of a planar array of dipoles using the Wiener-Hopf approach. Wave Motion. 2019. Vol: 89. Pág. 28-42. 10.1016/j.wavemoti.2019.03.004.
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Kuznetsov, Sergei A.;Beruete, Miguel;Navarro-cía, Miguel:
Far-field and Near-field Physics of Extraordinary THz Transmitting Hole-Array Antennas. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2019. Vol: 67. Núm: 9. Pág. 6029-6038. 10.1109/TAP.2019.2920262.
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Sambles, J. Roy:
Theoretical and experimental exploration of finite sample size effects on the propagation of surface waves supported by slot arrays. Physical Review B: Covering Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2017. Vol: 95. Pág. 245425-1-245425-7. 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.245425.
Camacho, Miguel;Mitchell-thomas, Rhiannon C.;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Sambles, J. Roy;Quevedo-teruel, Oscar:
Mimicking glide-symmetry for coupled slot metasurfaces. Applied Physics Letters. 2017. Vol: 111. Núm: 12. 10.1063/1.5000222.
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Sambles, J. Roy:
On the extraordinary optical transmission in parallel plate waveguides for non-TEM modes. Optics Express. 2017. Vol: 25. Núm: 20. Pág. 24670-24677. 10.1364/OE.25.024670.
Camacho, Miguel;Mitchell-thomas, Rhiannon C.;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Sambles, J. Roy;Quevedo-teruel, Oscar:
Designer surface plasmon dispersion on a one-dimensional periodic slot metasurface with glide symmetry. Optics Letters. 2017. Vol: 42. Núm: 17. Pág. 3375-3378. 10.1364/OL.42.003375.
Camacho, Miguel;Rodriguez-Boix, Rafael;Medina-Mena, Francisco:
Computationally efficient analysis of extraordinary optical transmission through infinite and truncated subwavelength hole arrays. Physical Review E. 2016. Vol: 93. Núm: 6. 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.063312.
Camacho, Miguel;Hibbins, Alastair P.;Sambles, J. Roy:
Resonantly induced transparency for metals with low angular dependence. Applied Physics Letters. 2016. Vol: 109. Núm: 24. 10.1063/1.4971983.