Bascón, Isabel;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Domínguez , Juan;Espinosa, E;Sánchez-gutiérrez, Mónica;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Producción de lignonanofibras de celulosa a partir de residuos hortícolas mediante un proceso respetuoso con el medio ambiente. Comunicación en congreso. NANOUCO VII. Encuentro sobre Nanociencia y Nanotecnología de Investigadores Andaluces. - CÓRDOBA, Universidad de Córdoba. 2019
Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro;Espinosa, E;Domínguez , Juan;Bascón, Isabel;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael:
Wheat straw valorization, much more than bread. Ponencia en Congreso. 4th Iberoamerican congress of biorefineries. Jaén (España). 2018
Bascón, Isabel;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Domínguez , Juan;Espinosa, E;Sánchez-gutiérrez, Mónica;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Production of cellulose from vegetable plants. Environmentally friendly process. Comunicación en congreso. 4th Iberoamerican congress of biorefineries. Jaén (España). 2018
Espinosa, E;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Domínguez , Juan;Bascón, Isabel;Sánchez-guitérrez, Mónica;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Chamaecytisus proliferus and Leuacena leucocephala as new source for lignocellulose nanofiber isolation: Physicochemical, thermal and rheological char. Comunicación en congreso. 4th Iberoamerican congress of biorefineries. Jaén (España). 2018
Rosal-Raya, Antonio;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro;Bascón, Isabel;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Espinosa, E;Domínguez , Juan:
Vegetables as raw material for cellulose production. Poster en Congreso. 9ª Congreso Internacional de Química de la ANQUE. Murcia. 2018
Bascón, Isabel;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Domínguez , Juan;Espinosa, E;Perez-Rodriguez, Fernando;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Proceso Specel®. Precipitación selectiva de la lignina procedente de paja de trigo. Comunicación en congreso. VI Congreso Científico de Investigadores en Formación de la Universidad de Córdoba. - UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA, CORDOBA. ESPAÑA. 2018
Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Espinosa, E;Domínguez , Juan;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro;OTERO IZQUIERDO, ROCIO:
Influence of the soda pulping operation variables of wheat straw on the lignonanofibres of cellulose obtained by mechanical pre-treatment. Poster en Congreso. 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. BARCELONA (SPAIN). 2017
Espinosa, E;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Domínguez , Juan;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Isolation and Characterization of lignocellulose nanofibers from different wheat straw pulps. Comunicación en congreso. 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. . BARCELONA, - BARCELONA, ESPAÑA. 2017
Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro;Domínguez , Juan;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Espinosa, E;Díaz-carrasco, Pilar;Caballero-Amores, Alvaro;García-Dominguez, M.Trinidad:
How the operational conditions influence in the physico-chemical properties of the lignin?. Comunicación en congreso. 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering. . BARCELONA, - BARCELONA, ESPAÑA. 2017
Espinosa, E;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Domínguez , Juan;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Nanotecnología en el sector papelero: Lignonanofibras de celulosa a partir de paja de trigo como agente de refuerzo. Comunicación en congreso. NANOUCO VI. Encuentro sobre Nanociencia y Nanotecnología de Investigadores Andaluces. Universidad de Córdoba. Córdoba. España. 2017
Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro;Espinosa, E;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Domínguez , Juan:
Wheat straw lignonanofibers as alternative source to use in paper and paperboard industry. Comunicación en congreso. I&S International Workshop on Insights and Strategies Towards a Bio-Based Economy. . 2016
Domínguez , Juan;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Espinosa, E;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Economical evaluation of the selective acid precipitation process for a wheat straw soda lignin. Poster en Congreso. IX Iberoamerican Conference on Pulp and Paper Research. Espoo, Finlandia. 2016
Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro;Espinosa, E;Domínguez , Juan;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael:
Lignocellulose micro/nanofibers from Musa acuminate var. Dwarf Cavenish and its application in papermaking of recycled corrugating medium. Poster en Congreso. 6th EuCheMS 2016 Congress Chemistry (Seville). Sevilla. 2016
Domínguez , Juan;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Espinosa, E;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Comparison of the lignin obtained with soda pulping processes using plant species of the family Gramineae and Fabaceae as raw materials . Poster en Congreso. 14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp. Autrans, Francia. 2016
Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Domínguez , Juan;Espinosa, E;Rosal-Raya, Antonio;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Exploitation of wheat straw using Specel® pulping process and selective precipitation of the resulting black liquor . Poster en Congreso. 14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp. Autrans, Francia. 2016
Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro;Espinosa, E;Domínguez , Juan;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Moral Ana:
Lignocellulose nanofibers from wheat Straw as reinforcement in papermaking. Poster en Congreso. 14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp. Autrans, Francia. 2016
Espinosa, E;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Domínguez , Juan;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Application of cellulose nanofibers from banana tree residues in the papermaking on recycling flutting. Poster en Congreso. 14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp. Autrans, Francia. 2016
Espinosa, E;Domínguez , Juan;Moral Ana;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Lignocellulose nanofibers from wheat Specel process cellulose. Comunicación en congreso. 4th EPNOE International Polysccharide Conference. Varsovia, Polonia. 2015
Domínguez , Juan;Espinosa, E;Rosal-Raya, Antonio;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Selective precipitation and characterization of the residue obtained with a wheat straw soda pulping process. Poster en Congreso. 4th EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference. Varsovia, Polonia. 2015
Domínguez , Juan;Gonzalez, Zoilo;De Vega, Alberto;Ligero, Pablo;Espinosa, E;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Valorization of the Orange Tree Pruning by Ethanol Process. Comunicación en congreso. 18th International Symposium on Wood, Fibre and Pulp Chemistry. Austria, Viena. 2015
Jimenez-Alcaide, Luis;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro;Requejo-Silva, Ana;Espinosa, E;Domínguez , Juan;Vargas-gonzález, Fátima:
Biorefinery of olive tree prunings. Poster en Congreso. The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Technologies for the Pulp, Paper and Corrugated Board Industry. Braila, Rumania. 2015
Jimenez-Alcaide, Luis;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro;Sánchez-Serrano, Rafael;Espinosa, E;Domínguez , Juan;Vargas -gonzalez, Fatima:
Cereal straws cellulosic pulps for ecological packaging. Poster en Congreso. The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Technologies for the Pulp, Paper and Corrugated Board Industry. Braila, Rumania. 2015
Vargas-gonzález, Fátima;Espinosa, E;Domínguez , Juan;Jimenez-Alcaide, Luis;Rojas, Orlando J;Garrote-Velasco, Gil;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Agricultural residues from barley in paper industry as an extra raw material for pine and eucalyptus. Comunicación en congreso. 1ST INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON BIOREFINERY OF LIGNOCELLULOSIC MATERIALS. - RECTORADO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE CÓRDOBA- ESPAÑA. 2015
Domínguez , Juan;Espinosa, E;Vargas-gonzález, Fátima ;Rosal-Raya, Antonio;Jimenez-Alcaide, Luis;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro:
Bioethanol production from black liquors . Comunicación en congreso. 1st INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON BIOREFINERY OF LIGNOCELLULOSIC MATERIALS. - CÓRDOBA, - CORDOBA, ESPAÑA. 2015
Jaime, P;Domínguez , Juan;Espinosa, E;Palenzuela, M Del Valle;Rodriguez-Pascual, Alejandro;Rosal-Raya, Antonio:
Exploitation of lignocellulosic residues generated by paper and citrus industries by composting. Poster en Congreso. 13th Meidterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering. - Barcelona, España. 2014