Profesor Titular de Universidad


Correo electrónico
Lenguajes y Sistema Informáticos


Grupo de investigación

Data-centric Computing Research Hub (IDEA)

Proyectos y contratos de investigación

Optimización de Servicios Basados en Conocimiento Usando Aplicaciones Basadas en Servicios (RTI2018-101204-B-C22 - Investigador/a)
Contratos Juan de la Cierva Formación (ECC/1402/2013 - Investigador/a)
Tecnologias para Servicios Cloud Híbridos, Altamente Configurables y Regulados por Ans (TIN2015-70560-R - Investigador/a)
Tecnologías Avanzadas para Procesos como Servicios (TIN2012-32273 - Investigador/a)
Copas: Ecosystems for Optimized Process As a Service (P12-TIC-1867 - Investigador/a)
Tecnologias para Servicios Cloud Híbridos, Altamente Configurables y Regulados por ANS (TIN2015-70560-R - Participante)
COPAS: eCosystems for Optimized Process As a Service (P12-TIC-1867 - Investigador/a)
COPAS: eCosystems for Optimized Process As a Service. (P12-TIC-1867 - Investigador/a)

Capítulos en Libros

Tunner, Hamilton;White, Jules;Reed, Jeff;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Porter, Adam;Marathe, Madhav;Vullikanti, Anil ;Gokhale , Aniruddha :
Software Testing in the Cloud: Perspectives on an Emerging Discipline. Pág. 382-403. En: 1.

Asistencia a congresos

Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;David Benavides:
Uniform and scalable SAT-sampling for configurable systems.. Comunicación en congreso. Software Product Lines Conference. - Montreal, Canadá. 2020
Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;David Benavides:
A Python framework for the automated analysis of feature models: A first step to integrate community efforts. Comunicación en congreso. 24th ACM Conference on Systems and Software Product Line. Montreal, Canada. 2020
Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;David Benavides:
A Parallelized Variant of Junker's QuickXPlain Algorithm. Comunicación en congreso. International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems. Austria. 2019
Varela-Vaca, Ángel Jesús;Ramos, Belén;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Gómez-López, Mª Teresa;David Benavides:
Process Mining to Unleash Variability Management:Discovering Configuration Workflows Using Logs.. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 23rd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference. París, Franci. 2019
Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Acher, Mathieu ;Tirado, Juan Manuel ;Vidal, Cristian ;Baudry, Benoit ;David Benavides:
Exploiting the enumeration of all feature model configurations: a new perspective with distributed computing. Comunicación en congreso. International Systems and Software Product Line Conference. Beijiing, China. 2016
Temple, Paul ;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Acher, Mathieu ;Jézéquel, Jean-marc :
Using machine learning to infer constraints for product lines. Comunicación en congreso. International Systems and Software Product Line Conference. BEIJIN, CHINA. 2016
Méndez-acuña, David ;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Combemale, Benoit ;Blouin, Arnaud ;Baudry, Benoit :
Puzzle: A Tool for Analyzing and Extracting Specification Clones in DSLs. Demostración en Congreso. International Conference on Software Reuse. Limasol, Chipre. 2016
Méndez-acuña, David;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Combemale, Benoît ;Blouin, Arnaud ;Baudry, Benoit;Le Guernic:, Gurvan :
Reverse-Engineering Reusable Language Modules from Legacy Domain-Specific Languages. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on Software Reuse. Chipre. 2016
Vidal, Cristian ;David Benavides;Leger, Paul ;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Fukuda, Hiroaki :
Mixing of Join Point Interfaces and Feature-Oriented Programming for Modular Software Product Line. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies. - NEW YORK - ESTADOS UNIDOS. 2015
Vidal Silva, Cristian;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Villarroel , Rodolfo;David Benavides;Leger, Paul;Valenzuela, Sebastian:
JPI feature models - Exploring a JPI and FOP symbiosis for software modeling. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society. Valparaiso, Chile. 2015
Acher, Mathieu ;Alférez, Mauricio ;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Romenteau, Pierre ;Baudry, Benoit :
ViViD: a variability-based tool for synthesizing video sequences. Demostración en Congreso. International Software Product Line Conference. FLORENCE, ITALIA. 2014
Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Alférez, Mauricio ;Acher, Mathieu;Baudry, Benoit ;David Benavides:
A variability-based testing approach for synthesizing video sequences. Comunicación en congreso. International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. San José, California, EEUU. 2014
Benavides-Cuevas, David Felipe;Felferning, Alexander;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Reinfrank , Florian:
Automated Analysis in Feature Modelling and Product Configuration. Comunicación en congreso. 13th International Conference on Software Reuse,. PISA - ITALIA. 2013
Dhungana, Deepak;Seichter, Dominik;Botterweck, Goetz;Rabiser, Rick;Grünbacher, Paul;Benavides-Cuevas, David Felipe;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel:
Integrating heterogeneous variability modeling approaches with invar. Comunicación en congreso. Seventh International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems . PISSA. 2013
Lopez-herrejón, Roberto;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Benavides-Cuevas, David Felipe;Sergio Segura;Egyed, Alexander:
Reverse Engineering Feature Models with Evolutionary Algorithms: An Exploratory Study. Comunicación en congreso. 4th International Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering. Trento, Italy. 2012
Sergio Segura;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Benavides-Cuevas, David Felipe;Parejo-Maestre, José Antonio:
BeTTy: Un Framework de Pruebas para el Análisis Automático de Modelos de Características. Demostración en Congreso. XVII Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos. Almería. 2012
Carneiro-Roos, Fabricia;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Benavides-Cuevas, David Felipe;Ruiz-Cortés, Antonio:
FaMa-OVM: a tool for the automated analysis of OVMs. Demostración en Congreso. 16th International Software Product Line Conference. SALVADOR DE BAHIA, BAHIA; BRASIL. 2012
Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel:
A Python framework for the automated analysis of feature models: A first step to integrate community efforts. Comunicación en congreso. . .

Artículos publicados

Ramos, Belén;Varela-Vaca, Ángel Jesús;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Gómez-López, Mª Teresa;David Benavides:
Discovering configuration workflows from existing logs using process mining. Empirical Software Engineering. 2021.
Novoa-Hernández, Pavel;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;David Benavides:
Recommender Systems and Scratch: An Integrated Approach for Enhancing Computer Programming Learning. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 2020. Vol: 13. Núm: 2. Pág. 387-403. 10.1109/TLT.2019.2901457.
Rea-sanchez, Victor;David Benavides;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Neira-Ayuso, Pablo:
Open Source Adoption Factors - A Systematic Literature Review. IEEE Access. 2020. Vol: 8. Pág. 94594-94609. 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2918469.
Gutiérrez-Fernández, Antonio Manuel;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;David Benavides:
Empirical software product line engineering: A systematic literature review. Information and Software Technology. 2020. 10.1109/TLT.2019.2901457.
Borrego, Diana;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;David Benavides:
Empirical evidence of the usage of programming languages in the educational process. IEEE Transactions on Education. 2020. Pág. 1-10. 10.1109/TE.2020.3030588.
Cruz-Risco, Margarita;Bernárdez-Jiménez, Beatriz;Durán-Toro, Amador;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Ruiz-Cortés, Antonio:
Replication of Studies in Empirical Software Engineering: A Systematic Mapping Study from 2013 to 2018. IEEE Access. 2020. 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2952191.
Alferez, Mauricio;Acher, Mathieu;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Baudry, Benoit;David Benavides:
Modeling variability in the video domain: language and experiece report. Software Quality Journal. 2019. Vol: 27. Núm: 1. Pág. 307-347. 10.1007/s11219-017-9400-8.
Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;David Benavides;Trinidad-Martín-Arroyo, Pablo;Gutiérrez-Fernández, Antonio Manuel;Ruiz-Cortés, Antonio:
Automated analysis of feature models: Quo vadis?. Computing: archives for scientific computing. 2019. Vol: 5. Núm: 101. Pág. 387-433. 10.1007/s00607-018-0646-1.
Lettner, Michael;Rodas, Jorge;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;David Benavides:
Automated analysis of two-layered feature models with feature attributes. . Journal of Computer Languages. 2019. Vol: 51. Pág. 154-172. 10.1016/j.cola.2019.01.005.
Rodas-silva, Jorge;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;García-Gutiérrez, Jorge;David Benavides:
Selection of Software Product Line Implementation Components Using Recommender Systems: An Application to Wordpress. IEEE Access. 2019. Vol: 7. Pág. 69226-69245. 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2918469.
Felferning, Alexander;Walter, Rouven;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;David Benavides;Polat Erdeniz, Seda;Atas, Müslüm;Reiterer, Stefan:
Anytime Diagnosis for Reconfiguration. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. 2018. Vol: 51. Núm: 1. Pág. 161-182. 10.1007/s10844-017-0492-1.
Méndez-acuña, David;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Combemale, Benoît;Blouin, Arnaud;Baudry, Benoît:
Reverse engineering language product lines from existing DSL variants. The Journal of Systems and Software. 2017. Vol: 133. Núm: Noviembre 2017. Pág. 145-158. 10.1016/j.jss.2017.05.042.
Méndez-acuña, David;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Degueule, Thomas ;Combemale, Benoît ;Baudry, Benoît :
Leveraging Software Product Lines Engineering in the development of external DSLs: A systematic literature review.. Computer languages, systems & structures. 2016. Vol: 46. Pág. 206-235. 10.1016/
Khandu Narwane, Ganesh ;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel; Narayanan Krishna, Shankara;David Benavides;Millo , Jean-vivien ;Ramesh , S. :
Traceability Analyses between Features and Assets in Software Product Lines. Entropy : An International and Interdisciplinary Journal of Entropy and Information Studies. 2016. Vol: 18. Núm: 8. 10.3390/e18080269.
Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Turner, Hamilton;Benavides, David;White, Jules :
Testing variability-intensive systems using automated analysis: an application to Android. Software Quality Journal. 2016. Vol: 24. Núm: 2. Pág. 365-405.
Lopez-herrejon, Roberto E. ;Linsbauer, Lukas ;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Parejo-Maestre, José Antonio;David Benavides;Sergio Segura;Egyed, Alexander :
An assessment of search-based techniques for reverse engineering feature models. The Journal of Systems and Software. 2015. Vol: 103. Núm: May 2015. Pág. 353-369.
Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Dhungana, Deepak;Rabiser, Rick ;David Benavides;Botterweck, Goetz;Grünbacher, Paul:
Supporting Distributed Product Configuration by Integrating Heterogeneous Variability Modeling Approaches. Information and Software Technology. 2015. Vol: 62. Núm: Jun. Pág. 78-100. 10.1016/j.infsof.2015.02.002.
White, Jules;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Saxenaa, Tripti;Dougherty, Brian;Benavides-Cuevas, David Felipe;Schmidt, Douglas:
Evolving feature model configurations in software product lines. The Journal of Systems and Software. 2014. Vol: 87. Núm: Enero. Pág. 119-136.


Ruiz-Cortés, Antonio;Sergio Segura;Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;Trinidad-Martín-Arroyo, Pablo;Benavides-Cuevas, David Felipe: [SOFTWARE] BETTY FRAMEWORK. Número de patente:
Galindo-Duarte, José Ángel;David Benavides: TESALIA: TESting vAriAbiLity Intensive Systems. Número de patente: SE-339-17