Galdon, Joaquin;Sanchís, Lucía;González, Javier:
ASCOT orbit-following simulations of ion cyclotron heating with synthetic fast ion loss diagnostic: a first application to ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion. 2021.
González, Javier;Sanchís, Lucía;Ayllon-Guerola, J.;Galdon, Joaquin;Hidalgo-Salaverri, Javier:
Self-adaptive diagnostic of radial fast-ion loss measurements on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2021.
González, Javier:
Self-adaptive diagnostic of radial fast-ion loss measurements on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak (invited). Review of Scientific Instruments. 2021.
Galdon, Joaquin;Garcia-Muñoz, Manuel;González, Javier:
Physics and applications of three-ion ICRF scenarios for fusion research. Physics of Plasmas. 2021.
Garcia-Muñoz, Manuel;Sanchís, Lucía;Sharapov, S;Van Zeeland, M A ;Ascasibar, E;Chen, L;Ferreira, J;Galdon, Joaquin;González, Javier;J. F. Rivero-Rodriguez:
Active control of Alfvén eigenmodes in magnetically confined toroidal plasmas. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2019. Vol: 61. 10.1088/1361-6587/aaef08.
González, Javier;Galdon, Joaquin;Ayllon-Guerola, J.:
A fast model to resolve the velocity-space of fast-ion losses detected in ASDEX Upgrade and MAST Upgrade. Journal of Instrumentation. 2019. Vol: 14. Núm: C09015. 10.1088/1748-0221/14/09/c09015.
González, Javier;Galdon, Joaquin;Ayllon-Guerola, J.:
First measurements of a magnetically driven fastion loss detector on ASDEX Upgrade. Journal of Instrumentation. 2019. Vol: 14. Núm: C11005.
González, Javier:
Determination of the Fast-Ion Phase-Space Coverage for the FILD Spatial Array of the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak. Journal of Instrumentation. 2019. 10.1088/1748-0221/14/10/c10032.
Galdon, Joaquin;Jimenez-Ramos, Maria Del Carmen;J. F. Rivero-Rodriguez;Viezzer, Eleonora;González, Javier;Garcia-Muñoz, Manuel;Salewski, M.;Jacobsen, A.;Sanchís, Lucía;Rodriguez-ramos, M;Ayllon-Guerola, J.;Garcia-Lopez, Francisco Javier;Gonzalez-martin, J.:
Velocity-space sensitivity and tomography of scintillator-based fast-ion loss detectors. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2018. Vol: 60. 10.1088/1361-6587/aad76e.
J. F. Rivero-Rodriguez;Rodriguez-Ramos, Mauricio;Sanchís, Lucía;Garcia-Muñoz, Manuel;González, Javier;Galdon, Joaquin;Ayllon-Guerola, J.;García-Vallejo, Daniel:
A rotary and reciprocating scintillator based fast-ion loss detector for the MAST-U tokamak. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2018. Vol: 89. 10.1063/1.5039311.
González, Javier;J. F. Rivero-Rodriguez;Rodriguez-Ramos, Mauricio;Sanchís, Lucía;Ayllon-Guerola, J.;Garcia-Muñoz, Manuel;Galdon, Joaquin:
First measurements of a scintillator based fast-ion loss detector near the ASDEX Upgrade divertor. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2018. Vol: 89. 10.1063/1.5038968.
Galdon, Joaquin;Jimenez-Ramos, Maria Del Carmen;Rodriguez-Ramos, Mauricio;Sanchís, Lucía;González, Javier;J. F. Rivero-Rodriguez;Garcia-Muñoz, Manuel;Birkenmeier, G.;Viezzer, Eleonora;Ayllon-Guerola, J.;Dunne, M.;Garcia-Lopez, Francisco Javier;Gonzalez-martin, J.:
Conceptual design of a scintillator based Imaging Heavy Ion Beam Probe for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. Journal of Instrumentation. 2017. Vol: 12. 10.1088/1748-0221/12/08/C08023.
Ayllon-Guerola, J.;Garcia-Lopez, Francisco Javier;Rodriguez-Ramos, Mauricio;Sanchís, Lucía;González, Javier;Galdon, Joaquin;J. F. Rivero-Rodriguez:
Dynamic and thermal simulations of a fast-ion loss detector for ITER. Fusion Engineering And Design. 2017. 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2017.04.071.
Rodriguez-Ramos, Mauricio;J. F. Rivero-Rodriguez;Asdex Upgrade Team, ,;Garcia-Muñoz, Manuel;Jimenez-Ramos, Maria Del Carmen;Garcia-Lopez, Francisco Javier;Galdon, Joaquin;Sanchís, Lucía;Ayllon-Guerola, J.;González, Javier:
First absolute measurements of fast-ion losses in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2017. Vol: 59. Núm: 10. 10.1088/1361-6587/aa7e5f.
Sharapov, S.e;Rodriguez-Ramos, Mauricio;Sanchís, Lucía;Garcia-Muñoz, Manuel;Van Zeeland, M.a;González, Javier;Galdon, Joaquin:
The effects of electron cyclotron heating and current drive on toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes in tokamak plasmas. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2017. Vol: 60. Núm: 1. 10.1088/1361-6587/aa90ee.
Kocan, M.;Rodriguez-Ramos, Mauricio;J. F. Rivero-Rodriguez;Sanchís, Lucía;Garcia-Muñoz, Manuel;Ayllon-Guerola, J.;González, Javier;Galdon, Joaquin;Garcia-Lopez, Francisco Javier:
The impact of the fast ion fluxes and thermal plasma loads on the design of the ITER fast ion loss detector. Journal of Instrumentation. 2017. Vol: 12. 10.1088/1748-0221/12/12/C12027.
Ayllon-Guerola, J.;Garcia-Lopez, Francisco Javier;Rodriguez-Ramos, Mauricio;Sanchís, Lucía;Dominguez, A. D.;Kocan, M.;Gunn, J. P.;García-Vallejo, Daniel;Dominguez-Abascal, Jaime;González, Javier;Garcia-Muñoz, Manuel;J. F. Rivero-Rodriguez;Herrmann , A.;Vorbrugg , S.;Leitenstern , P.;Zoletnik , S.;Galdon, Joaquin:
A fast feedback controlled magnetic drive for the ASDEX Upgrade fast-ion loss detectors. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2016. Vol: 87. Núm: 11. Pág. 11E705-1-11E705-4. 10.1063/1.4959913.
Garcia-Muñoz, Manuel;Jimenez-Ramos, Maria Del Carmen;Rodriguez-Ramos, Mauricio;J. F. Rivero-Rodriguez;Sanchís, Lucía;Kocan, M.;Ayllon-Guerola, J.;Bertalot, L.;Bonnet, Y.;Casal, N.;Galdon, Joaquin;Garcia-Lopez, Francisco Javier;González, Javier:
Conceptual design of the ITER fast-ion loss detector. Review of Scientific Instruments. 2016. Vol: 87. Núm: 11. Pág. 11D829-1-11D829-4. 10.1063/1.4961295.