Paniagua, Carmen;Fuentes-González , Andrea;Carrera, Pablo;Román-Rodríguez, Maite:
Emotion recognition in international adoption: from childhood to adolescence. Poster en Congreso. International Conference European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents: Equity and Social Justice in Child. University of Sussex, Brighton,UK. 2023
Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia Mª;Díez-López, Marta;Paniagua, Carmen:
El papel del control parental y del manejo de la información adolescente en el estrés escolar. Comunicación en congreso. XI Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación. Bienestar psicológico y digitalización: el gran reto de la Psicología hoy (CIPE 2023). Valencia (España). 2023
Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia Mª;Paniagua, Carmen;Díez-López, Marta:
Factores individuales y contextuales relacionados con el estrés escolar del alumnado de educación secundaria. Ponencia en Congreso. XI Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación. Bienestar psicológico y digitalización: el gran reto de la Psicología hoy (CIPE 2023). Valencia (España). 2023
Román-Rodríguez, Maite;Peñarrubia-Sánchez, Maria Gracia;Paniagua, Carmen;Moreno-maldonado, Concepción;Ramos-Valverde, Pilar;Miranda, Mayte;Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen;Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus;León, Esperanza;Jiménez-Morago, Jesús M.;Cáceres, Isabel;Fuentes-González , Andrea;Carrera, Pablo;Molano, Nuria:
El reto de la transición a la adultez en personas con diferentes trayectorias de protección: Un estudio longitudinal y transversal. Comunicación en congreso. V Congreso El Interés Superior de la Infancia y la Adolescencia. Madrid. 2021
Salado, Vanesa;Paniagua, Carmen;Luna, S.;Rivera, F.:
Analysis of the psychometric properties of a scale of emotional regulation in adolescents in Spain, from the perspective of adoption. Poster en Congreso. 9th European Congress of Methodology. Valencia, España. 2021
Paniagua, Carmen;Luna, S.;Salado, Vanesa;Román-Rodríguez, Maite:
Sentimiento de pertenencia escolar: factores determinantes y consecuencias sobre la calidad de vida de los y las adolescentes en España. Poster en Congreso. X CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE PSICOLOGÍA Y EDUCACIÓN. CÓRDOBA. 2021
Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia Mª;García-Moya, Irene;Paniagua, Carmen;Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen:
Familia y escuela en la adolescencia: La implicación parental en la escuela de familias diversas. . Ponencia en Congreso. X Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación. De la Red Neuronal a la Red Social: Bienestar y Convivencia (CIPE 2021). Córdoba/Virtual. 2021
Peñarrubia-Sánchez, Maria Gracia;Paniagua, Carmen;Román-Rodríguez, Maite;Cáceres, Isabel;Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus:
Psychological development in children being raised in adoptive families and residential care. Poster en Congreso. 12th Excellence in Pediatrics Virtual Conference 2020. Online. 2020
Paniagua, Carmen;García-Moya, Irene;Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen:
Perceived support, satisfaction and connectedness in relationships with teachers: A study of adopted adolescents. . Poster en Congreso. British Educational Research Association. MANCHESTER (REINO UNIDO). 2019
Salado-navarro, Vanesa;Ciria-barreiro, Esther;Paniagua, Carmen;Sanchez-Queija, Mª Inmaculada:
Examining the prevalence of the Bullyvictim in Spain, since 2002 to 2018: An analysis from the perspective of gender and age. Poster en Congreso. 19th European Conference on Developmental Psychology. Athens, Greece. 2019
Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen;Villafuerte-díaz, Ana;Leal-Lopez, Eva;Rivera, F.;Ramos-Valverde, Pilar;Sanchez-Queija, Mª Inmaculada;Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia Mª;García-Moya, Irene;Moreno-maldonado, Concepción;Paniagua, Carmen;Ciria-barreiro, Esther:
The process of knowledge transfer in the Spanish HBSC Study: A challenge to transmit information to society. Poster en Congreso. HBSC Spring Meeting. REYKIAVIK (ISLANDIA). 2019
Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus;Paniagua, Carmen:
Adoption Breakdown in Spain: Domestic/Intercountry, Pre and Post-Adoption Period. Comunicación en congreso. XV European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents . Oporto (Portugal). 2018
Paniagua, Carmen;Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen;Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia Mª;García-Moya, Irene;Moreno-maldonado, Concepción;Cáceres, Isabel:
Looked-after adolescents and friendships. . Poster en Congreso. XV European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents . Oporto (Portugal). 2018
Paniagua, Carmen;Rivera, F.;Ramos-Valverde, Pilar;Sanchez-Queija, Mª Inmaculada;Villafuerte-díaz, Ana;Jiménez-Morago, Jesús M.:
The relationship between perceived social support and wellbeing in institutionalized Spanish adolescents. . Poster en Congreso. XV European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents . Oporto (Portugal). 2018
Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus;Jiménez-Morago, Jesús M.;Paniagua, Carmen:
Multi-National Perspectives on Adoption Instability - Adoption breakdown in Spain: domestic/intercountry, pre and postadoption period. . Comunicación en congreso. XV European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents . Oporto (Portugal). 2018
Paniagua, Carmen;Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus;Jiménez-Morago, Jesús M.;Molano, Nuria:
Adoptions in risk: What the matter?. Poster en Congreso. 9th Congress of the European Society on Family Relations. Families through the lens of diversity.. - Oporto, Portugal. 2018
Ciria-barreiro, Esther;Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia Mª;Paniagua, Carmen;Villafuerte-díaz, Ana;Leal-Lopez, Eva;Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen:
Association between stressful life events and life satisfaction: the positive moderating effect of sense of coherence on adolescent's health. Poster en Congreso. 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence. Gante, Bélgica. 2018
Paniagua, Carmen;Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen;Rivera, F.;Sanchez-Queija, Mª Inmaculada;Cáceres, Isabel:
Bullying in adopted adolescents. . Poster en Congreso. 6th International Conference on Adoption Research. Montreal (Canadá). 2018
Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus;Jiménez-Morago, Jesús M.;Paniagua, Carmen:
Adoption breakdown before/after the teenage years. . Poster en Congreso. 6th International Conference on Adoption Research. Montreal (Canadá). 2018
Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus;Jiménez-Morago, Jesús M.;Paniagua, Carmen;Brodzinsky, David:
Duration of adoptive placements ending in breakdown and the role of age at placement. . Comunicación en congreso. 6th International Conference on Adoption Research. Montreal (Canadá). 2018
Paniagua, Carmen;Rivera, F.;Leal-Lopez, Eva;Villafuerte-díaz, Ana;García-Moya, Irene:
Analizando la estructura factorial de Life Orientation Test Revised (LOT-R): El efecto del método como una explicación de la falta de consenso en la e. Poster en Congreso. 3rd International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents. Sevilla (España). 2017
Leal-Lopez, Eva;Sanchez-Queija, Mª Inmaculada;Villafuerte-díaz, Ana;Ramos-Valverde, Pilar;Paniagua, Carmen:
Trends in tobacco use among Spanish adolescents students. Poster en Congreso. 3rd International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents. Sevilla (España). 2017
Paniagua, Carmen;Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen;Ramos-Valverde, Pilar;Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia Mª;Moreno-maldonado, Concepción:
Las fuentes de apoyo social y su influencia en la salud en adolescentes adoptados. . Poster en Congreso. 3rd International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents. Sevilla (España). 2017
Paniagua, Carmen;Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen;Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia Mª;Moreno-maldonado, Concepción;Rivera, F.:
El estudio HBSC: Un acercamiento a los adoptados españoles.. Comunicación en congreso. 3rd International Congress of Clinical and Health Psychology on Children and Adolescents. Sevilla (España). 2017
Paniagua, Carmen;Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen;Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia Mª;Román-Rodríguez, Maite;León, Esperanza:
Age at placement in adoption: health effects in adolescents.. Poster en Congreso. 8th Excellence in Pediatrics. Londres (Reino Unido). 2016
Paniagua, Carmen;Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen;Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia Mª;Román-Rodríguez, Maite;León, Esperanza:
Síntomas de hiperactividad/inatención en menores adoptados internacionalmente y su relación con el desarrollo socio-emocional. Poster en Congreso. 8th Excellence in Pediatrics. Londres (Reino Unido). 2016
Villafuerte Díaz , Ana;Ramos-Valverde, Pilar;Paniagua, Carmen;Sanchez-Queija, Mª Inmaculada:
Antisocial behaviour in Spanish adolescents and its relationship with the global health score. Poster en Congreso. XV Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence. La Barrosa, Cádiz.. 2016
Sanchez-Queija, Mª Inmaculada;García-Moya, Irene;Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen;Paniagua, Carmen:
Trend Analysis (2006-2010-2014) of Physical, Verbal and Relational Bullying Victimization Prevalence in Spanish Adolescent Schoolchildrens.. Poster en Congreso. XV Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence. La Barrosa, Cádiz.. 2016
Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus;Jiménez-Morago, Jesús M.;Paniagua, Carmen:
Adoption breakdown in Andalusia, Spain: incidence and characteristics.. Comunicación en congreso. XIV European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents. Oviedo (España). 2016
Jiménez-Morago, Jesús M.;Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus;Paniagua, Carmen:
Professional intervention in Foster care breakdown.. Poster en Congreso. XIV European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents . Oviedo (España). 2016
Paniagua, Carmen;Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen;Carrera, Pablo;Ramos-Valverde, Pilar;García-Moya, Irene;Moreno-maldonado, Concepción:
Positive health in adopted, fostered, institutionalized and community adolescents: a comparative analysis. Poster en Congreso. XIV European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents. Oviedo (España). 2016
Ramos-Valverde, Pilar;Rivera-De Los Santos, Francisco José;Sanchez-Queija, Mª Inmaculada;Paniagua, Carmen:
Indicators of quality in grandparenthood relationships for adolescents¿ adjustment.. Poster en Congreso. XV Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence. La Barrosa, Cádiz.. 2016
Jiménez-Morago, Jesús M.;Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus;Paniagua, Carmen:
Breakdown in adoption and Foster care: the role of adolescence. . Poster en Congreso. XV EARA Conference. La Barrosa, Cádiz. 2016
Paniagua, Carmen;Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia Mª;García-Moya, Irene;Román-Rodríguez, Maite;Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus:
Quality of parent-child relationships during adolescence: a comparison between adopted and non-adopted youth. Poster en Congreso. XV EARA Conference. La Barrosa, Cádiz. 2016
Paniagua, Carmen;Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus;Jiménez-Morago, Jesús M.:
Foster care breakdown: The role of attachment, behaviour, difficulties and violence.. Comunicación en congreso. XIV European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents. Oviedo (España). 2016
Paniagua, Carmen;Rivera-De Los Santos, Francisco José;Carrera, Pablo;Sanchez-Queija, Mª Inmaculada;Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia Mª;Villafuerte-díaz, Ana:
Lifestyles: A comparison between adopted, fostered, institutionalized and community adolescents. . Poster en Congreso. XIV European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents. Oviedo (España). 2016
Jiménez-Morago, Jesús M.;Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus;Paniagua, Carmen:
The role of attachment, behavior difficulties and violence in the experience of adoption breakdown. Poster en Congreso. Fifth International Conference on Adoption Research. Auckland, New Zealand. 2016
Paniagua, Carmen;Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen;Villafuerte-díaz, Ana;Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus:
The role of the parent-adopted child relationship quality in health and risk.. Poster en Congreso. Fifth International Conference on Adoption Research. Auckland (Nueva Zelanda). 2016
Paniagua, Carmen;Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus;Jiménez-Morago, Jesús M.:
Children's age at adoption and the likelihood of adoption breakdown.. Poster en Congreso. Fifth International Conference on Adoption Research. Auckland (Nueva Zelanda). 2016
Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus;Jiménez-Morago, Jesús M.;Paniagua, Carmen:
Adoption breakdown: Incidence and circumstances. Comunicación en congreso. Fifth International Conference on Adoption Research. Auckland (Nueva Zelanda). 2016
Paniagua, Carmen;Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen;Román-Rodríguez, Maite;Moreno-maldonado, Concepción;Rivera-De Los Santos, Francisco José;Palacios-Gonzalez, Jesus:
Consequences of early adversity on physical development: menarche in adolescents adopted. Poster en Congreso. 7th Excellence in Pediatrics Conference. Londres (Reino Unido). 2015
Moreno-Rodriguez, Maria Carmen;Morgan, Antony;Ramos-Valverde, Pilar;Rivera-De Los Santos, Francisco José;Jiménez-Iglesias, Antonia Mª;García-Moya, Irene;Sanchez-Queija, Mª Inmaculada;Moreno-maldonado, Concepción;Villafuerte-díaz, Ana Mª;Paniagua, Carmen:
Los resultados del estudio "Health Behaviour in School-aged Children" español en manos de los centros educativos. Una experiencia piloto.. Comunicación en congreso. Cumbre Atlántica de Promoción de la Salud y Educación para la Salud: Referentes con nombre propio. . - Madrid, España. 2015