Profesor Ayudante Doctor


Correo electrónico
Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática


Grupo de investigación


Proyectos y contratos de investigación

euROBIN: European ROBotics and AI Network (SI-2202/23/2022 - Coordinador Work Package)
Plan Propio Postdoctoral (Responsable)
D-MAIL: Desarrollo de Manipulador Antropomórfico Industrial Ligero para su Aplicación a Tareas de Inspección y Mantenimiento (AT17_5747_USE - Investigador/a)
General compliant aerial Robotic manipulation system Integrating Fixed and Flapping wings to Increase range and safety (GRIFFIN) (ADG 2017, action 788247 - Investigador/a)
AERIAL COgnitive integrated multi-task Robotic system with Extended operation range and safety (SI-1974/23/2019 - Investigador/a)
HYFLIER. HYbrid FLying-rolling with-snakE-aRm robot for contact inspection (SI-1762/23/2017 - Investigador/a)
TERRINET. The European Robotics Research Infrastructures Network (SI-1757/23/2017 - Investigador/a)

Libros publicados

Suárez, Alejandro:
Compliant aerial manipulation. . 2019.

Capítulos en Libros

Feliu-Talegon, Daniel;Rafeenekoo, Saeed;Suárez, Alejandro;Acosta, José Ángel;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Modeling and under-actuated control of stabilization before take-off phase for flapping-wing robots. Pág. 376-388. Springer. Springer. 2022.
Suárez, Alejandro;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Compliant Aerial Manipulators with Dual Arms. Pág. 83-95. Springer, Cham. Springer, Cham. 2019.

Asistencia a congresos

Rafeenekoo, Saeed;Suárez, Alejandro;Acosta, José Ángel;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Constrained Design Optimization of a Long-Reach Dual-Arm Aerial Manipulator for Maintenance Tasks. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Warsaw, Poland. 2023
Gañán, Francisco Javier;Suárez, Alejandro;Tapia, Raul;Martinez-De Dios, Jose Ramiro;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Aerial Manipulation System for Safe Human-Robot Handover in Power Line Maintenance. Comunicación en congreso. 2022 Robotics: Science and Systems. Morningside Campus, New York, USA. 2022
Suárez, Alejandro;Romero, Honorio ;Salmoral, Rafael;Acosta, Jose Alberto;Zambrano, Jesus;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Experimental Evaluation of Aerial Manipulation Robot for the Installation of Clip Type Bird Diverters: Outdoor Flight Tests. Comunicación en congreso. 2021 Aerial Robotic Systems Physically Interacting with the Environment. Biograd na Moru, Croatia. 2021
Suárez, Alejandro;Perez, Manuel;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Positioning System for Pipe Inspection with Aerial Robots Using Time of Flight Sensors. Comunicación en congreso. ROBOT 2019 - Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference. Porto, Portugal. 2019
Suárez, Alejandro;Perez, Manuel;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Small-Scale Compliant Dual Arm with Tail for Winged Aerial Robots. Comunicación en congreso. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Macau, China. 2019
Suárez, Alejandro;Sánchez, Pedro Jesús;Fernandez, Manuel;Perez, Manuel;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Lightweight and compliant long reach aerial manipulator for inspection operations. Comunicación en congreso. 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Madrid, España. 2018
Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Jiménez, Antonio Enrique;Suárez, Alejandro;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Tutorial on Aerial Robotic Manipulation. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Madrid, España. 2018
Suárez, Alejandro;Jiménez, Antonio Enrique;Vega, Victor Manuel;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Rodriguez-Castaño, Angel;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Lightweight and human-size dual arm aerial manipulator. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2017. Miami, FL , USA. 2017
Suárez, Alejandro;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Lightweight compliant arm with compliant finger for aerial manipulation and inspection. Comunicación en congreso. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. DAEJEON, COREA DEL SUR. 2016
Suárez, Alejandro;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Cooperative sensor fault recovery in multi-UAV systems . Comunicación en congreso. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Stockholm, Sweden. 2016
Suárez, Alejandro;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Lightweight compliant arm for aerial manipulation. Comunicación en congreso. EEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015. HAMBURGO, ALEMANIA. 2015
Suárez, Alejandro;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Compliant and Lightweight Anthropomorphic Finger Module for Aerial Manipulation and Grasping. Comunicación en congreso. 23rd MEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE ON CONTROL AND AUTOMATION 2015. TORREMOLINOS (ESPAÑA). 2015
Suárez, Alejandro:
Small-Scale Compliant Dual Arm with Tail for Winged Aerial Robots. Comunicación en congreso. . .

Artículos publicados

Ollero-Baturone, Anibal;Suárez, Alejandro;Caballero, Álvaro:
Safe local aerial manipulation for the installation of devices on power lines: Aerial-core first year results and designs. Applied Sciences. 2021. Vol: 11. Núm: 13. 10.3390/app11136220.
Suárez, Alejandro;Salmoral, Rafael;Zarco-Periñan, Pedro;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Experimental Evaluation of Aerial Manipulation Robot in Contact with 15 kV Power Line: Shielded and Long Reach Configurations. IEEE Access. 2021. Vol: 9. Pág. 94573-94585. 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3093856.
Ollero-Baturone, Anibal;Tognon, Marco;Suárez, Alejandro;Lee, Dongjun;Franchi, Antonio:
Past, Present, and Future of Aerial Robotic Manipulators. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 2021. 10.1109/TRO.2021.3084395.
Suárez, Alejandro;Perez, Manuel;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Cartesian Aerial Manipulator with Compliant Arm. Applied Sciences. 2021. Vol: 11. Núm: 3. 10.3390/app11031001.
Feliu-Talegon, Daniel;Acosta, José Ángel;Suárez, Alejandro;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
A bio-inspired manipulator with claw prototype for winged aerial robots: Benchmark for design and control. Applied Sciences. 2020. Vol: 10. Núm: 18. 10.3390/app10186516.
Suárez, Alejandro;Caballero, Alvaro;Garofano, Ambar;Sánchez, Pedro Jesús;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Aerial Manipulator With Rolling Base for Inspection of Pipe Arrays. IEEE Access. 2020. Vol: 8. Pág. 162516-162532. 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3021126.
Suárez, Alejandro;Vega, Victor;Fernandez, Manuel;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Benchmarks for Aerial Manipulation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2020. Vol: 5. Núm: 2. Pág. 2650-2657. 10.1109/LRA.2020.2972870.
Suárez, Alejandro;Perez, Manuel;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Winged Aerial Manipulation Robot with Dual Arm and Tail. Applied Sciences. 2020. Vol: 10. Núm: 14. 10.3390/app10144783.
Suárez, Alejandro;Real-Pérez, Francisco Javier;Vega, Victor;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Compliant Bimanual Aerial Manipulation: Standard and Long Reach Configurations. IEEE Access. 2020. Vol: 8. Pág. 88844-88865. 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2993101.
Suárez, Alejandro;Sánchez, Pedro Jesús;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Aerial Physical Interaction in Grabbing Conditions with Lightweight and Compliant Dual Arms. Applied Sciences. 2020. Vol: 10. Núm: 24. 10.3390/app10248927.
Suárez, Alejandro;Jiménez, Antonio Enrique;Vega, Victor Manuel;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Rodriguez-Castaño, Angel;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Design of a lightweight dual arm system for aerial manipulation. Mechatronics. 2018. Vol: 50. Pág. 30-44.
Suárez, Alejandro;Heredia-Benot, Guillermo;Ollero-Baturone, Anibal:
Physical - Virtual Impedance Control in Ultra - Lightweight and Compliant Dual Arm Aerial Manipulators. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2018. Vol: PP. Núm: 99. Pág. 1-1. 10.1109/LRA.2018.2809964.