Profesor Asociado CIS


Correo electrónico





Grupo de investigación

Understanding Movement & Self in health from Science (UMSS)

Proyectos y contratos de investigación

Efectividad de la Punción Seca en Dolor de Cuello Crónico Asociado A la Rotación Cervical Pasiva. (AP-0220-2019 - Investigador Principal Joven)

Asistencia a congresos

Piña-Pozo,Fernando;Fricke, Hermann;Paredes-lopez, Felix;Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, Ángel;García-Bernal, Maria Isabel;Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos:
Dry Needling of Myofascial Trigger Points Enhances the Effects of Therapeutic Exercise in Adults with Chronic Neck Pain. Poster en Congreso. 2021 IASP Virtual World Congress on Pain. VIRTUAL. 2021
Luque, Antonio;Rodríguez-Blanco, Cleofás;Valencia-chulian, Rafael;Piña-Pozo,Fernando;Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, Ángel;Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos:
Immediate responses of a multimodal manual therapy approach in individuals with painful temporomandibular disorders: a randomized controlled trial. Poster en Congreso. World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2019. Geneva, Suiza. 2019
Piña-Pozo,Fernando;Muñoz -puerto, Nazareth;Zamorano, Am;Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, Ángel;Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos:
Local and Widespread Mechanical Pressure Hyperalgesia in Females With Unilateral Neck Pain Reproducible During Passive Neck Rotation: An Exploratory S. Poster en Congreso. The 17th World Congress on Pain. Boston, USA. 2018
Local And Widespread Mechanical Pressure Hyperalgesia In with Unilaterd Females Neck Pain Reproducible During Neck Passive Rotation:An Exploratory Stu. Poster en Congreso. 17th IASP World Congress on Pain 2018. Boston, BOSTON - MASSACHUSETTS; ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA. 2018
Efficacy of dry needling on latent myofascial trigger points in male subjects with neck/shoulders musculoskeletal pain. A case series.. Poster en Congreso. 2017 annual meeting of theScandinavian Association for the Study of Pain (SASP). Aalborg, Dinamarca. 2017
Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Navarro, Ignacio;Piña-Pozo,Fernando:
Efficacy of dry needling on latent myofascial trigger points in male subjects with neck / shoulder musculoskeletal pain. A case series. Poster en Congreso. Annual Meeting-Scandinavian Association for the Study of Pain. Aalborg, Dinamarca. 2017
Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, Ángel;Rodríguez-Blanco, Cleofás;Luque, Antonio;Piña-Pozo,Fernando:
Efficacy of shoulder girdle motor retraining in non-specific chronic neck pain: a case report.. Comunicación en congreso. 2º Congreso Internacional de Fisioterapia y Movimiento `Motion for Life¿. Malaga, España. 2016
Piña-Pozo,Fernando;Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Luque-carrasco, Antonio:
Sensibilidad neural periférica y central en pacientes con cervicalgia unilateral crónica. Estudio piloto. Comunicación en congreso. III Congreso Internacional de Fisioterapia y Dolor. Sevilla. 2014
Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Piña-Pozo,Fernando;Luque Carrasco, A.;Albornoz-Cabello, Manuel;Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, Ángel:
Mecanosensibilidad Masticatoria e Impacto de la Cefalea en Sujetos con Historia de Uso de Ortodoncia. Poster en Congreso. II CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE FISIOTERAPIA Y DOLOR. ALCALÁ DE HENARES (MADRID), ESPAÑA. 2012
Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Piña-Pozo,Fernando;Luque, Antonio:
El segmento craneocervical y la mecanosensibilidad trigeminal en sujetos tratados con ortodoncia: Estudio piloto. Poster en Congreso. I Congreso Internacional de Fisioterapia en Investigación Clínica. Desde la Investigación a la Práctica Clínica. Sevilla, España. 2011

Artículos publicados

Piña-Pozo,Fernando;Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Madeleine, Pascal;Escobio, Isabel;Luque, Antonio;Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, Ángel:
Local and Widespread Pressure Pain Hyperalgesia Is Not Side Specific in Females with Unilateral Neck Pain that Can Be Reproduced during Passive Neck R. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2019. Vol: 8. Núm: 1246. Pág. 1-13. 10.3390/jcm8081246.
Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, Ángel;Gonzalez-gonzalez, Carlos;Oliva-Pascual-vaca, Jesus;Piña-Pozo,Fernando;Ferragut-garcías, Alejandro;Fernandez-dominguez, Juan Carlos;Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos:
Visceral Origin: An Underestimated Source of Neck Pain. A Systematic Scoping Review. Diagnostics. 2019. Vol: 9. Núm: 4. 10.3390/diagnostics9040186.
Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Navarro, Ignacio;Piña-Pozo,Fernando:
Efficacy of dry needling on latent myofascial trigger points in male subjects with neck/shoulders musculoskeletal pain. A case series. Scandinavian Journal of Pain. 2017. Vol: 16. Núm: 1. Pág. 174-174. 10.1016/j.sjpain.2017.04.029.
Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Rodríguez-Blanco, Cleofás;Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, Ángel;Torres-Lagares, Daniel;Albornoz-Cabello, Manuel;Piña-Pozo,Fernando;Luque-carrasco, Antonio:
Masticatory mechanosensitivity, mouth opening and impact of headache in subjects with a history of orthodontics use: a cross-sectional study. European Journal Of Physical And Rehabilitation Medicine. 2014. Vol: 50. Núm: 4. Pág. 411-418. 24963817.
Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, Ángel;Rodríguez-Blanco, Cleofás;Torres-Lagares, Daniel;Albornoz-Cabello, Manuel;Piña-Pozo,Fernando;Luque-carrasco, Antonio:
Craniocervical posture and trigeminal nerve mechanosensitivity in subjects with a history of orthodontic use: a cross-sectional study.. Cranio. 2013. Vol: 31. Núm: 4. Pág. 252-259. doi.org/10.1179/crn.2013.31.4.002.
Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, Ángel;Rodríguez-Blanco, Cleofás;Piña-Pozo,Fernando;Luque-carrasco, Antonio;Herrera -monge, P:
Immediate changes in masticatory mechanosensitivity, mouth opening, and head posture after myofascial techniques in pain-free healthy participants: a . Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 2013. Vol: 36. Núm: 5. Pág. 310-318. 10.1016/j.jmpt.2013.05.011.
Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Lopez-hervas, Antonia;Herrera-monge, Patricia;Gutierrez-leonard, Ana;Piña-Pozo,Fernando:
Shoulder functionality after manual therapy in subjects with shoulder impingement syndrome: a case series.. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2013. Vol: 17. Núm: 2. Pág. 212-218. 10.1016/j.jbmt.2012.07.004.
Heredia-Rizo, Alberto Marcos;Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, Ángel;Cabello, M;Rodríguez-Blanco, Cleofás;Piña-Pozo,Fernando;Carrasco, A:
Immediate Effects of the Suboccipital Muscle Inhibition Technique in Craniocervical Posture and Greater Occipital Nerve Mechanosensitivity in Subjects. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 2012. Vol: 35. Núm: 6. Pág. 446-453. 10.1016/j.jmpt.2012.06.006.