Talento Doctores (PID Junta Andalucía)


Correo electrónico
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular


Grupo de investigación


Proyectos y contratos de investigación

Regulación transcripcional y señalización intercelular durante la diferenciación de los heterocistos de las cianobacterias (BFU2010-17980 - Investigador/a)
Análisis Estructural y Funcional de la Red de Interacciones del Citocromo c en la Comunicación Mitocondria- Núcleo (PID2021-126663NB-I00 - Investigador/a)
Fuzzy Interactions between RNA Binding Proteins in Neurodegenerative Disorders (Fuzzy Disorders) (P18-FR-3487 - Investigador/a)
Aproximaciones Estructurales y Funcionales a los Mecanismos Moleculares Dependientes de Citocromo C que Regulan la Actividad de las Chaperonas de Hist (PGC2018-096049-B-I00 - Investigador/a)
Functional characterization of the cell division inhibitor MipZ (659174 - Investigador Principal Joven)
Spatiotemporal dynamics of bacterial cells - Budding and asymmetric cell division in Hyphomonas neptunium (TRR174-326464661 - Investigador/a)
Droplet Organelle Assembly by RNA Binding Proteins in Neurodegenerative Disorders (US-1254317 - Investigador/a)
Complejos proteicos de membrana involucrados en procesos esenciales en las cianobacterias filamentosas: división celular y traducción génica. (BFU2013-44686-P - Investigador/a)
Bases moleculares de la multicelularidad en las cianobacterias (BFU2011-22762 - Investigador/a)

Participación en congresos

Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
IUBMB Focused Meeting / FEBS Workshop Crosstalk between Nucleus and Mitochondria in Human Disease. Sevilla. 2022

Asistencia a congresos

Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Velázquez, Alejandro;M.-garcía-mauriño, Sofía;De La Rosa-Acosta, Miguel Angel;Díaz-Moreno, Irene:
Role of TIA-1 Post-translational Modifications in Liquid-liquid Phase Separation and Stress Granules Assembly. Comunicación en congreso. XVIII Simposio de Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos RSEQ. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la Isla de la Cartuja, Sevilla. 2022
Baños, Blanca;Velázquez, Alejandro;Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Díaz-Moreno, Irene:
Functional and Structural Characterization of Tyr5-phosphorylated HuR. Comunicación en congreso. XVIII Simposio de Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos RSEQ. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la Isla de la Cartuja, Sevilla. 2022
Díaz-Moreno, Irene;Martínez-Fábregas, Jónathan;De La Rosa-Acosta, Miguel Angel;Giner, Rafael Luis;Pérez Mejías, Gonzalo;Velázquez, Alejandro;Baños, Blanca;Casado, Miguel Ángel;Rivero-Rodríguez, Francisco;GUERRA-CASTELLANO, ALEJANDRA;Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
Respiratory Cytochrome c: a Master Pleiotropic Cell Regulator. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. European BioEnergetics Conference. Aix en Provence. 2022
Baños, Blanca;Velázquez, Alejandro;Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Díaz-Moreno, Irene:
How phosphorylation of a disordered region at HuR regulates its DNA binding. Poster en Congreso. Young Scientists' Forum. Vimeiro, Portugal. 2022
Baños, Blanca;Velázquez, Alejandro;Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Díaz-Moreno, Irene:
How phosphorylation of a disordered region at HuR regulates its DNA binding. Poster en Congreso. IUBMB-FEBS-PABMB Congress 2022. Lisbon, Portugal. 2022
Díaz-Moreno, Irene;Fernández-veloso, Andrea;Rodríguez-rejano, Lucía;GUERRA-CASTELLANO, ALEJANDRA;Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Martínez-Fábregas, Jónathan;De La Rosa-Acosta, Miguel Angel;Giner, Rafael Luis;Pérez Mejías, Gonzalo;Velázquez, Alejandro;Baños, Blanca;Casado, Miguel Ángel;Rivero-Rodríguez, Francisco;Márquez, Inmaculada;Tamargo-azpilicueta, Joaquín:
Emerging Functions of Mitochondrial Cytochrome c in the Cytoplasm and Nucleus . Sesión plenaria en Congreso. IUBMB Focused Meeting / FEBS Workshop Crosstalk between Nucleus and Mitochondria in Human Disease. Sevilla, Spain. 2022
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Rivero-Rodríguez, Francisco;Velázquez, Alejandro;Díaz-Moreno, Irene:
Zn2+ induces dynamic multimerization of TIA-1 through association with its RNA recognition motif 2. Poster en Congreso. IUBMB Focused Meeting / FEBS Workshop Crosstalk between Nucleus and Mitochondria in Human Disease. Sevilla, Spain. 2022
Baños, Blanca;Velázquez, Alejandro;Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Díaz-Moreno, Irene:
JAK3-mediated phosphorylation of disordered N-terminal region of HuR regulates DNA binding. Poster en Congreso. IUBMB Focused Meeting / FEBS Workshop Crosstalk between Nucleus and Mitochondria in Human Disease. Sevilla, Spain. 2022
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Rivero-Rodríguez, Francisco;Velázquez, Alejandro;West, Danella L.;Loughlin, Fionna E.;Vankadari, Naveen ;Wilce, Jacqueline A.;Díaz-Moreno, Irene:
Zinc induces dynamic multimerization of TIA-1 through association with its RNA recognition motif. Poster en Congreso. Biological Assemblies: Phase Transitions and More. Online. 2021
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
Molecular characterization of the P-loop ATPase MipZ interactions. Ponencia en Congreso. CauloCon 2.0. Online. 2020
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
MipZ regulates FtsZ positioning by a severing-like mechanism in Caulobacter crescentus. Poster en Congreso. EMBO Bacterial Cell Division: Closing the Gap. Lund, Suecia. 2019
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
Stalk-terminal budding in Hyphomonas neptunium proceeds via an FtsZ-driven process involving two spatially distinct divisome-like complexes. Comunicación en congreso. EMBO Bacterial Cell Division: Closing the Gap. Lund, Suecia. 2019
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
Control of FtsZ polymerization by the cell division regulator MipZ. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. EMBO Bacterial Cell Division: Closing the Gap. Lund, Suecia. 2019
Herrero-Moreno, Antonia;Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
Specific cell-division mechanisms in Anabaena. Poster en Congreso. Cell Biology of Prokaryotes. Bad Staffelstein, Alemania. 2019
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
P-loop ATPase MipZ facilitates depolymerization of FtsZ filaments by a novel severing mechanism. Poster en Congreso. Cell Biology of Prokaryotes. Bad Staffelstein, Alemania. 2019
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
Stalk-terminal budding in Hyphomonas neptunium proceeds via an FtsZ-driven process involving two spatially distinct divisome-like complexes. Comunicación en congreso. Cell Biology of Prokaryotes. Bad Staffelstein, Alemania. 2019
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
MipZ, the temporal and spatial regulator of cell division in Caulobacter crescentus. Comunicación en congreso. VAAM Microbial Cell Biology Meeting 2018. MARBURG , ALEMANIA. 2018
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
Spatial and temporal regulation of the cell division protein FtsZ by MipZ in Caulobacter crescentus. Poster en Congreso. How microorganisms view their world. MARBURG , ALEMANIA. 2018
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
Regulation of cell division protein FtsZ by MipZ in Caulobacter crescentus. Poster en Congreso. Spatiotemporal organization of bacterial cells. Marburg, Alemania. 2018
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
Cell division in the filamentous, pluricellular cyanobacterium Anabaena. Comunicación en congreso. 10th European Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria. Cluj-Napoca, Rumania. 2017
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
Control of FtsZ assembly by the cell division regulator MipZ in Caulobacter crescentus. Poster en Congreso. EVAAM Microbial Cell Biology Meeting 2016. Ebsdorfergrund (Marburg), Alemania. 2016
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
Cell division regulator MipZ in Caulobacter crescentus. Poster en Congreso. EVAAM Microbial Cell Biology Meeting 2016. Ebsdorfergrund (Marburg), Alemania. 2016
Herrero-Moreno, Antonia;Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Picossi-Goñi, Silvia María;Ramos-León, Félix;Flores-Garcia, Enrique:
Cell division in the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena: the making of a pluricellular bacterium. Comunicación en congreso. EMBO Workshop Bacterial cell division: Orchestrating the ring cycle. - Praga, República Checa. 2016
Camargo-Bernal, Sergio;Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Valladares-Ruiz, Ana;Flores-Garcia, Enrique;Herrero-Moreno, Antonia:
Cell division in the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena, a true pluricellular bacterium. Poster en Congreso. XI Reunión del Grupo Especializado Microbiología Molecular. Sevilla. 2016
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
Control of FtsZ assembly by the cell division regulator MipZ in Caulobacter crescentus. Poster en Congreso. EMBO Workshop Bacterial cell division: Orchestrating the ring cycle. - Praga, República Checa. 2016
Arbel-goren, Rinat;Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Tal, Asaf;Mariscal-Romero, Vicente;Herrero, Antonia;Flores, Enrique:
Spatial fluctuations in gene expression and phenotypic noise of nitrogen-rich states in Anabaena PCC 7120 filaments. Poster en Congreso. 9th European Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Cyanobacteria. Texel, Holanda. 2014
Flores-Garcia, Enrique;Burnat, Mireia;Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Escudero-Crujera, Leticia;Mariscal-Romero, Vicente;Herrero-Moreno, Antonia:
Cell-cell communication in the diazotrophic cyanobacterial filament. Ponencia en Congreso. ESF-EMBO Symposium Molecular Bioenergetics of Cyanobacteria: Shaping the Environment. PULTUSK, POLONIA. 2013
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Mariscal-Romero, Vicente;Flores-Garcia, Enrique;Herrero-Moreno, Antonia:
Mutation study of the PatS signalling peptide in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. Poster en Congreso. 14th International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes. Oporto (Portugal). 2012
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;De Olmedo-Verd, Elvira;Mirus-,Oliver;Muro-Pastor, Alicia Maria;Schleiff-,Enrico;Herrero-Moreno, Antonia;Flores-Garcia, Enrique:

Artículos publicados

Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
MipZ caps the plus-end of FtsZ polymers to promote their rapid disassembly. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). 2022. Vol: 119. 10.1073/pnas.2208227119.
West, Danella L.;Loughlin, Fionna E. ;Rivero-Rodríguez, Francisco;Vankadari, Naveen ;Velázquez, Alejandro;Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Díaz-Moreno, Irene;Wilce, Jacqueline A. :
Regulation of TIA-1 Condensates: Zn2+ and RGG Motifs Promote Nucleic Acid Driven LLPS and Inhibit Irreversible Aggregation. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 2022. Vol: 9. 10.3389/fmolb.2022.960806.
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
The CTPase activity of ParB determines the size and dynamics of prokaryotic DNA partition complexes. Molecular Cell. 2021. Vol: 81. 10.1016/j.molcel.2021.09.004.
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
Molecular architecture of the DNA-binding sites of the P-loop ATPases MipZ and ParA from Caulobacter crescentus. Nucleic Acids Research. 2020. 10.1093/nar/gkaa192.
Camargo-Bernal, Sergio;Picossi-Goñi, Silvia María;Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Valladares-Ruiz, Ana;Arévalo, Sergio;Herrero-Moreno, Antonia:
ZipN is an essential FtsZ membrane tether and contributes to the septal localization of SepJ in the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena. Scientific Reports. 2019. Vol: 9. 10.1038/s41598-019-39336-6.
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura:
A gradient-forming MipZ protein involved in cell cycle control of Magnetospirillum gryphiswaldense. Molecular Microbiology. 2019. 10.1111/mmi.14369.
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Camargo-Bernal, Sergio;Valladares-Ruiz, Ana;Picossi-Goñi, Silvia María;Luque-Romero, Ignacio;Ochoa-de Alda, Jesús;Herrero-Moreno, Antonia:
FtsZ of Filamentous, Heterocyst-Forming Cyanobacteria Has a Conserved N-Terminal Peptide Required for Normal FtsZ Polymerization and Cell Division. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2018. Vol: 9. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02260.
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Tal, Asaf;Arbel-goren, Rinat;Mariscal-Romero, Vicente;Flores-Garcia, Enrique;Herrero-Moreno, Antonia;Stavans, Joel:
Spatial Fluctuations in Expression of the Heterocyst Differentiation Regulatory Gene hetR in Anabaena Filaments. PLoS Genetics. 2015. Vol: 11. Núm: 4. 0.1371/journal.pgen.1005031.
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Flores-Garcia, Enrique;Herrero-Moreno, Antonia:
Relationships between the ABC-exporter HetC and peptides that regulate the spatiotemporal pattern of heterocyst distribution in Anabaena. PLoS One. 2014. Vol: 9. Núm: 8.
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Mariscal-Romero, Vicente;Nurnberg, Dennis;Elhai, Jeff;Mullineaux, Conrad;Flores-Garcia, Enrique;Herrero-Moreno, Antonia:
Subcellular localization and clues for the function of the hetN factor influencing heterocyst distribution in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120. Journal of Bacteriology. 2014. Vol: 19. Núm: 196. Pág. 3452-3460. 10.1128/JB.01922-14.
Corrales-Guerrero, Laura;Mariscal-Romero, Vicente;Flores-Garcia, Enrique;Herrero-Moreno, Antonia:
Functional dissection and evidence for intercellular transfer of the heterocyst-differentiation PatS morphogen. Molecular Microbiology. 2013. Vol: 88. Pág. 1093-1105.