Predoctoral PIF VI Plan Propio


Correo electrónico




Grupo de investigación

Genética del desarrollo en organismos modelo (GDOM)

Asistencia a congresos

Romero, Francisco Javier;Sartor, Francine;Gritti, Nicola;Merrow, Martha ;Van Zon, Jeroen ;Mata-Cabana, Alejandro;Olmedo-Lopez, Maria:
Non-canonical DAF-2/IR signalling regulates transient larval arrests in C. elegans. . Poster en Congreso. 24th International C. elegans Meeting. Glasgow, UK. 2023
Romero, Francisco Javier;Mata-Cabana, Alejandro;Geibel, Mirjam;Amaral-Piubeli, Francine;Merrow, Martha;Olmedo-Lopez, Maria:
Deviations from temporal scaling support a stage-specific regulation for C. elegans postembryonic development. Ponencia en Congreso. Vlll Spanish Worm Meeting. CIBIR, LOGROÑO, LA RIOJA, ESPAÑA. 2022
Romero, Francisco Javier;Mata-Cabana, Alejandro;Rodríguez-peris, Fernando;García-sánchez, Sabas;Olmedo-Lopez, Maria:
Non-canonical DAF-2/IR signalling regulates transient larval arrests in C. elegans.. Ponencia en Congreso. European Worm Meeting 2022. Viena, Austria. 2022
Romero, Francisco Javier;Mata-Cabana, Alejandro;Rodríguez-peris, Fernando;García-sánchez, Sabas;Olmedo-Lopez, Maria:
Roles of the tumor suppressor DAF-18/PTEN in the control of cell proliferation in C. elegans. Poster en Congreso. CABIMER II International Workshop. Sevilla, España. 2022

Artículos publicados

Mata-Cabana, Alejandro;Romero, Francisco Javier;Geibel, Mirjam;Piubeli, Amaral;Merrow, Martha;Olmedo-Lopez, Maria:
Deviations from temporal scaling support a stage-specific regulation for C. elegans postembryonic development. BMC Biology. 2022. Vol: 20. Núm: 1. 10.1186/s12915-022-01295-2 .
Mata-Cabana, Alejandro;Gómez-delgado, Laura;Romero, Francisco Javier;Rodriguez-Palero, Maria Jesus;Artal -Sanz, Marta;Olmedo-Lopez, Maria:
Social Chemical Communication Determines Recovery From L1 Arrest via DAF-16 Activation. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2021. Vol: 8. 10.3389/fcell.2020.588686.
Mata-Cabana, Alejandro;Romero, Francisco Javier;Olmedo-Lopez, Maria:
Aging during C. elegans L1 quiescence. Aging. 2020. Vol: 12. Núm: 18. Pág. 17756-17758.