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Asistencia a congresos

Castillo-Seoane, J.;Barranco-Quero, Angel;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;Contreras-Bernal, Lidia;Obrero, Jose Manuel;García, Xabier;Aparicio-Rebollo, Francisco Javier;López-Santos, María Del Carmen;Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Juan A. Anta;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel:
Two step glancing angle deposition of supported vertically aligned organometallic halide perovskite nanostructures. Ponencia en Congreso. 14th Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics. Valencia. 2022
Castillo-Seoane, J.;Gil-Rostra, Jorge;Contreras-Bernal, Lidia;Juan A. Anta;Barranco-Quero, Angel;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel:
1D ITO nanoelectrodes synthesized by a plasma and vacuum multistep method to enhance indoor DSSC performance. Ponencia en Congreso. 2021 Iberian Vacuum Conference - Online. Online. 2021
Castillo-Seoane, J.;Gil-Rostra, Jorge;Lozano-Barbero, Gabriel Sebastián;Jumilla, Darío;Ostrikov, Kostya;Rodríguez-González-Elipe, Agustín;Barranco-Quero, Angel;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel:
Full plasma and vacuum methodology for manufacturing ITO 1D and 3D nanoelectrodes.. Poster en Congreso. 13th Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics. Online. 2021
Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;Barranco-Quero, Angel;Obrero, Jose Manuel;Contreras-Bernal, Lidia;Jumilla, Dario;Castillo-Seoane, J.;Aparicio-Rebollo, Francisco Javier;López-Santos, María Del Carmen;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel;Juan A. Anta:
Vacuum sublimation of dopant-free criystalline Spiro-OMeTAD films to enhance the stability of perovskite solar cells. Ponencia en Congreso. 13th Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics. Online. 2021
Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;García, Xabier;Filippin-Emilio, Alejandro Nicolás;Castillo-Seoane, J.;Aparicio-Rebollo, Francisco Javier;Ghafarinejad, Ali;Budagoski, Jorge;López-Santos, María Del Carmen;Barranco-Quero, Angel:
Plasma nanoengineering for the development of hybrid piezo and tribonanogenerators. Ponencia en Congreso. 2021 Virtual MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit. Online. 2021
García, Xabier;López-Santos, María Del Carmen;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;Barranco-Quero, Angel;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel;Castillo-Seoane, J.;Filippin-Emilio, Alejandro Nicolás;Aparicio-Rebollo, Francisco Javier;Ghaffarinejad, Ali;Contreras-Bernal, Lidia;Gil-Rostra, Jorge;Budagoski, Jorge;López-Flores, Víctor:
One-reactor fabrication of multifunctional 3D nanoarchitectures: energy harvesting, wetting and nanosensors. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Advances in Energy Harvesting Technology 2021.. Online. 2021
García, Xabier;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel;Aparicio-Rebollo, Francisco Javier;Ghaffarinehad, Ali;Castillo-Seoane, J.;López-Santos, María Del Carmen;Espinós-Manzorro, Juan Pedro;Cotrino-Bautista, José;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;Barranco-Quero, Angel:
Plasma nanoengineering for the development of hybrid piezo and tribonanogenerators. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Advances in Energy Harvesting Technology 2021.. Online. 2021
Castillo-Seoane, J.;Barranco-Quero, Angel;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel;Gil-Rostra, Jorge;López-Flores, Víctor;Lozano-Barbero, Gabriel Sebastián;Ferrer-Fernández, Francisco Javier;Espinós-Manzorro, Juan Pedro;(ken) Ostrikov, Kostya;Yubero-Valencia, Francisco;Rodríguez-González-Elipe, Agustín:
Semitransparent ITO nanostructured electrodes synthesized by plasma and vacuum one-reactor configuration.. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Advances in Energy Harvesting Technology 2021.. Online. 2021
Obrero, Jose Manuel;Castillo - Seoane, Javier;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel;Barranco-Quero, Angel:
Ultraporous conformal TiO2 nanoelectrodes by plasma deposition. Poster en Congreso. NIPHO- Perovskite Solar Cells, Photonics and Optoelectronics. Sevilla. 2020
Barranco-Quero, Angel;Ferrer-Fernández, Francisco Javier;Espinós-Manzorro, Juan Pedro;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel;Juan A. Anta;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;López-Santos, María Del Carmen;J. Idígoras;Aparicio-Rebollo, Francisco Javier;Obrero, Jose Manuel;Castillo - Seoane, Javier;López-Flores, Víctor;Contreras-Bernal, Lidia;Rico-Gavira, Víctor Joaquín:
Vacuum sublimation of Dopant-Free Crystalline Spiro-OMeTAD films to enhance the Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells.. Ponencia en Congreso. NIPHO- Perovskite Solar Cells, Photonics and Optoelectronics. Sevilla. 2020
Castillo-Seoane, J.;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;López-Flores, Víctor;Gil-Rostra, Jorge;Lozano-Barbero, Gabriel Sebastián;Barranco-Quero, Angel;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel:
Development of 3D ITO Nanoelectrodes for Optoelectronics Devices: Synthesis and Characterization. Poster en Congreso. NIPHO- Perovskite Solar Cells, Photonics and Optoelectronics. Sevilla. 2020
Filippin-Emilio, Alejandro Nicolás;García, Xabier;Castillo - Seoane, Javier;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;López-Flores, Víctor;López-Santos, María Del Carmen;Gil-Rostra, Jorge;Barranco-Quero, Angel;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel:
One-reactor fabrication of supported 3D nanomaterials: first steps towards the all-in-one solution for the fabrication of self-powering systems and mu. Ponencia en Congreso. 10th International Conference on Plasma Nanoscience. . Porec, Dubronvnik, Croatia. 2019
Poyato-Galán, Rosalía;Castillo - Seoane, Javier;Morales-Rodríguez, Ana;Gallardo-Lopez, A.:
Microstructure and toughening mechanisms in zirconia composites with different graphene-based nanostructures and various powder processing routines. Ponencia en Congreso. 16th International Conference of the European Ceramic Society. Turín (Italia). 2019

Artículos publicados

Castillo-Seoane, J.;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel;Barranco-Quero, Angel;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;Contreras-Bernal, Lidia;Obrero, Jose Manuel;García, Xabier;Lorenzo-lázaro, Francisco;Aparicio-Rebollo, Francisco Javier;López-Santos, María Del Carmen;Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Juan A. Anta:
Highly Anisotropic Organometal Halide Perovskite Nanowalls Grown by Glancing-Angle Deposition. Advanced Materials. 2022. Vol: 34. Núm: 2107739. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202107739.
Obrero, Jose Manuel;Barranco-Quero, Angel;Contreras-Bernal, Lidia;Núñez-gálvez, Fernando;Castillo-Seoane, J.;Valadez-villalobos, Karen;Aparicio-Rebollo, Francisco Javier;Juan A. Anta;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón:
Ultrathin plasma polymer passivation of perovskite solar cells for improved stability and reproducibility. Advanced Energy Materials (Online). 2022. 10.1002/aenm.202200812.
Castillo-Seoane, J.;González-García, Lola;Obrero, Jose Manuel;Aparicio-Rebollo, Francisco Javier;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel;Rodríguez-González-Elipe, Agustín;Barranco-Quero, Angel;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón:
Rhodamine 6G and 800 intermolecular heteroaggregates embedded in PMMA for near-infrared wavelength shifting. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1039/d1tc06167d.
Montes, Laura;Román, Jose M;García, Xabier;Castillo-Seoane, J.;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;Barranco-Quero, Angel;López-Santos, María Del Carmen;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel:
Plasma-Assisted Deposition of TiO2 3D Nanomembranes: Selective Wetting, Superomniphobicity, and Self-Cleaning. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 2021. Núm: 2100767. https://doi.org/10.1002/admi.202100767.
Castillo-Seoane, J.;Barranco-Quero, Angel;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel;Gil-Rostra, Jorge;López-Flores, Víctor;Lozano-Barbero, Gabriel Sebastián;Ferrer-Fernández, Francisco Javier;Espinós-Manzorro, Juan Pedro;(ken) Ostrikov, Kostya;Yubero-Valencia, Francisco;Rodríguez-González-Elipe, Agustín:
One-reactor vacuum and plasma synthesis of transparent conducting oxide nanotubes and nanotrees: from single wire conductivity to ultra-broadband perf. Nanoscale. 2021. Vol: 13. Pág. 13882-13895. 10.1039/d1nr01937f.
Filippin-Emilio, Alejandro Nicolás;Castillo - Seoane, Javier;López-Santos, María Del Carmen;Rojas-Ruiz, Teresa Cristina;Ostrikov, Kostya;Barranco-Quero, Angel;Sánchez-Valencia, Juan Ramón;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel:
Plasma-Enabled Amorphous TiO2 Nanotubes as Hydrophobic Support for Molecular Sensing by SERS. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2020. Vol: 12. Núm: 45. Pág. 50721-50733. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.0c14087.
Gallardo-Lopez, A.;Castillo - Seoane, Javier;Muñoz-ferreiro, Carmen;Poyato-Galán, Rosalía:
Flexure strength and fracture propagation in zirconia ceramic composites with 1 and 5 vol% exfoliated graphene nanoplatelets. Ceramics. 2020. Vol: 3. Núm: 1. Pág. 78-91. https://doi.org/10.3390/ceramics3010009.
Castillo - Seoane, Javier;Gil-Rostra, Jorge;Borrás-Martos, Ana Isabel;Martinez-Tejada, Leidy Marcela:
Synthesis and Characterization of Three-Dimensional ITO Nanoelectrodes. Material-ES. 2019. Vol: 3. Núm: 3. Pág. 37-40.